Tuesday, April 22, 2008

DeVinny's Guarantees

Well all it has been a long time since I have added my own personal content to the blog and I apologize for my writers block as of late. Hopefully my creative genius that can only be described as wisdom will return over the next couple months. Well on to the guarantees.....

1. I will start by guaranteeing that the Dallas Mavericks win their game tonight against the Hornets and will end up winning the series in 6 games... I must give credit to New Orleans arena sound guy for adding the WOOOOH! after each time they score. That might be one of the most elite stadium sound bites ever.

2. Staying with basketball, I am going to make my NBA finals guarantee. Celtics v. Spurs. Spurs in 6 games. My reasoning is this, until I see a team that can match up and beat the Spurs handily in one game I just cannot pick against them as much as I hate them.... I am so against the Mavs and the Jason Kidd trade by the way and it could lead to an early exit for them...

3. I guarantee that some new content will soon be added to the blog. I know that as of late the blog has just become me seeing random funny videos online and then me putting them up for all to see. This doesn't need to become a blog of videos and no personal content, I just wont allow it. Ideas for new content will be thrown out soon....

4. I guarantee that this will be the first time in years I walk away happy from the NFL Draft. I am a huge fan of the draft and have been known to watch it into the late 2nd round and even the early 3rd round. Yes I listen to them talk about the same thing over and over for hours. Why is that? I do it because I love football more than anything. Anyway, I will be happy for the first time because I have a feeling the Cowboys are finally going to do something exciting and productive in the first round. Whether this be drafting an elite running back and a corner which they should do, or somehow trading one of their picks for the real Roy Williams, which would be so elite I cannot even imagine. Please be right on this one.........

5. I guarantee that the Texas Rangers will never become an elite team, and I'm using the word in its true syntax, that being a championship team. Every year I get myself hyped up thinking they are going to turn it around and show signs of becoming successful, but each year they come out looking terrible. They are currently tied for the worst record in the MLB, which is such a joke. I am seriously considering converting to my first Colorado sports team as a fan. I left the great state of Texas thinking this would never happen....ever, but I've got to say the Rockies are so much fun to watch and root for. Being that I live 2 blocks from the stadium and I plan on going to a lot of games because of the convienince and they are a lot of fun, it only makes sense that I make this conversion. I might get a lot of flack for this decision, and I'm sure last years success will make many believe that I am only doing this as a fairweather fan. I can understand this argument, but I've just got to have some team to root for in the months that football doesn't exist and the Rangers are slowly becoming non-existent.

6. I guarantee that Ric Flair goes down as the greatest professional wrestler of all time. Now I could go on and on for hours on why I think this, but to save time lets just look at his track record:
-16 time world wrestling champion
-He was a wheeling dealing, kiss stealing, limo riding, jet flying, son of a gun
-He had the most elite platinum blonde haircut of any human being alive, seriously
-He wore custom tailored suits at all times not wrestling, and elaborate flowing robes while wrestling
-He lived in a glass house on the big side of town
-His shoes cost more than any car any of us drive
-He has more cars than most of us have friends
-He literally had skin made of tanned leather
-The guy had 80s-like attractive women around him at all times
-Finally, he was the definition of ELITE

Well that's all that I've got for now. Look for further updates and new content in the upcoming future.

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